
7月1日起,英国毕业生工作签证(Graduate Route)正式开始接受申请

作者:出国网 日期: 浏览:

The UK has a world-leading education sector and welcomes talented and high potential students to universities, further education and English language colleges every year. The Graduate route provides an opportunity for international students who have been awarded their degree to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill level for two years, or three years for doctoral students.

英国的教育行业世界领先,每年都欢迎各国极具才能和潜力的学生在各所大学、延续教育学院以及英语语言学院学习。毕业生工作签证(Graduate Route)为获得了英国高等教育学位的国际学生提供机会,学生在毕业后长达两年时间内(其中博士生为三年)在英国从事或寻找任何技能级别的工作。

The Graduate route is available to international students who have completed a degree at undergraduate level or above at a Higher Education Provider with a track record of compliance, and who have valid Tier 4 or Student permission at the time of application.


Successful applicants on this route at bachelor’s or master’s level are able to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill level for two years. Doctoral students are able to stay for three years. Due to COVID-19, we have also put in place concessions for students unable to travel to the UK due to the pandemic, recognising the continued disruption many face in international travel. Applicants who began their studies in autumn 2020, or in spring 2021 will need to be in the UK with permission as a Student, by 27 September 2021.


For the vast majority of applicants, the Graduate route application process will be entirely digital, and if your application is successful, you will be issued with an eVisa.


The applicants should apply to the Graduate route once university has sent their final course results, and not before this. The applicants do not have to wait until they've graduated to apply.


The application fee is £700 and the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) is £624 per year. 


You will start your application at GOV.UK where you will create a UK Visas and Immigration account and use the ‘UK Immigration ID Check’ app to verify your identity. To do this, you will need your Biometric Residence Card or Permit (BRC/P), which would have been given to you when you were granted your Student (or Tier 4) visa. If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss national, you can use your biometric passport to verify your identity on the app.

请在英国政府官网GOV.UK上启动申请程序,首先需创建一个英国签证与移民账号,再使用UK Immigration ID Check应用程序来验证您的身份。查验过程需要用到您的生物信息卡(Biometric Residents Permit),您在获得学生(或第四层级)签证时应该已经收到了这份文件。无需本人前往签证中心办理或重新提交生物识别信息,但需在英国境内完成。



7月1日起,英国毕业生工作签证(Graduate Route)正式开始接受申请

这一应用程序为免费使用,兼容安卓手机和iPhone 7及更新型号的苹果手机。如果您的手机与此不兼容,您可以在家人或朋友的手机上使用这个程序。程序关闭后将不会在其系统或手机上存储任何信息。



Inpiduals who already have permission as a dependant of a Student who is applying on this route can also apply to extend their permission as a dependant. However, new dependants are not permitted on this route, except for a child born in the UK during the current period of a Tier 4 or Student visa permission. Dependants will also be requited to pay the application fee of £700,  as well as the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS).


The route does not count towards settlement – however Graduates are able to apply to other routes at the end of their 2-3 year stay, for example the Skilled Worker, Global Talent or Innovator routes.

毕业生工作签证不能算作定居的一部分,但毕业生可在其两年(或三年) 结束之际申请其他类别的签证,例如:技能工作签证、全球英才签证或创新者签证等类别。

Those who graduate and whose Tier 4 or Student visa permission expired before the route launched on 1 July are not eligible and the route cannot be brought forward or applied retrospectively. However, students who are not eligible for the Graduate route may still benefit from the favourable switching provisions into a number of other routes, for example Skilled Worker, Start Up, Innovator or Global Talent, among others.


In addition, applications from outside the UK, or from those applicants who do not currently have a valid Tier 4 or Student visa, will not be accepted.
